
The Venice Hydrogen Forum 2024

The Venice Hydrogen Forum: The Mediterranean forum on hydrogen, pipelines and energy security will take place on 18-19 October 2024

The Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2) and Fondazione Venezia Capitale Mondiale della Sostenibilità / Venice Sustainability Foundation (FVCMS/VSF) are delighted to announce that they are teaming up to host the inaugural Venice Hydrogen Forum on 18-19 October 2024.

The Forum is a CEO and senior executive two-day international meeting focused on strategies for the transport and trade of hydrogen and its derivatives by pipeline and other means, to foster the discussion across the Mediterranean and European actors and develop a conducive environment for future agreements and joint actions. GH2 and VSF are working together with institutions and energy companies to establish the Forum for the first time in the city’s historical centre.

Italy’s Deputy Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Vannia Gava expressed support for the Forum at a meeting with GH2 Chair Malcolm Turnbull together with VSF Director General Alessandro Costa and GH2 CEO Jonas Moberg during COP28 in Dubai at the Global Renewables Hub.

Italian Deputy Minister of Environment Security Vannia Gava witnessing the signing f the arrangement for the organisation of the Forum during COP28
Italian Deputy Minister of Environment Security Vannia Gava witnessing the signing of the arrangement for the organisation of the Forum during COP28

Venice has been a significant hub for international trade for hundreds of years. It is therefore fitting that the inaugural Venice Hydrogen Forum becomes the meeting place for leading energy companies active in the Mediterranean gas market, governments from North Africa, South Europe, and the Middle East as well as renewable energy and green hydrogen developers, pipeline operators, European customers, and public and private financial institutions.

GH2 President Malcolm Turnbull, VSF General Director Alessandro Costa, and GH2 CEO Jonas Moberg
GH2 President Malcolm Turnbull, VSF General Director Alessandro Costa, and GH2 CEO Jonas Moberg

Europe needs millions of tonnes of hydrogen urgently and one of the most efficient ways to do this is to import it through pipelines. Several North African and Middle Eastern governments have advanced plans to produce green hydrogen both for domestic use and for export.

The Green Hydrogen Organisation and the Venice Sustainability Foundation, together with institutional and industrial partnerslook forward to welcoming key players to Venice this autumn. Some of the questions which will be considered include:

  • How electric and gas infrastructures need to evolve jointly to comply to the decarbonization strategies?
  • How many pipelines are needed and what distances and connections?
  • What do they cost?
  • Which consortia can form the best alliance to progress hydrogen transport in the Mediterranean region?
  • How will they be financed, what role will the EU, EIB and other regional institutions have?

Participants at the Forum in October will receive an in-depth report addressing these and other issues.

To learn more and to discuss sponsorship or other partnership opportunities, please contact jonas.moberg@gh2.org