Green Hydrogen Global Assembly and Exhibition

Together with the Spanish government, the Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2) is hosting the Green Hydrogen Global Assembly & Exhibition at the Barcelona International Convention Centre on 17-18 May 2022.
The assembly is not a commercial conference. It is an unprecedented gathering of stakeholders from government, the private sector and civil society aimed at galvanising global action to accelerate the uptake of green hydrogen.
Governments across the world are being invited to host national green hydrogen sessions during the assembly. Throughout the event, country strategies on accelerating green hydrogen production and use will be displayed to demonstrate progress towards a low carbon energy transition.
International organisations including the UN, IEA and IRENA are set to present their latest thinking on the green hydrogen sector globally.
Representatives from industry champions and national green hydrogen associations along the green hydrogen supply chain will share their perspectives on the massive scale up required in the sector to tackle climate change.
International and bilateral finance institutions like the World Bank, IFC, the European Investment Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Germany’s KfW will be reporting from the Roundtable of Development Finance Institutions for Green Hydrogen.
Key non-governmental organisations and climate campaigners will participate and share their vision to ensure green hydrogen uptake is fast but fair to all involved, including in developing countries and emerging economies.
The Assembly will see the global launch of a number of key GH2 initiatives:
- The Green Hydrogen Standard: Following an extensive global consultation process, the GH2 Board is set to approve the Green Hydrogen Standard ahead of the assembly. The Green Hydrogen Standard will for the first time establish a standard and certification scheme for what is green and truly clean hydrogen. It sets a clear emissions threshold (almost zero), the ESG requirements that need to be met and the development (SDG) contribution that projects are expected to deliver.
- The project on Good Contracting for Green Hydrogen will present its good contracting principles and guidance. Lawyers from a group of leading law firms including Baker McKenzie, Curtis and Herbert Smith Freehills, together with host governments and non-profit organisations are developing a set of good contracting principles and guidance. The aim is for the guidance to support governments, developers and communities in implementing contracting practices for green hydrogen projects that ensure rapid expansion to everyone's benefit.
- Building on GH2’s recent collaboration agreement with China’s Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone and ambitious green hydrogen announcements in India, dedicated sessions at the assembly will consider China and India’s role as power houses in the production and consumption of green hydrogen.
- The assembly, which gathers members and supporters of GH2, will agree recommendations to be presented at COP27 in Egypt.
Hundreds of speakers will share the latest policy developments, market forecasts, ESG issues and much more.
We have a planet to save. At this critical moment in the battle to stop global warming, the stakes could not be higher. Our energy system needs to rapidly decarbonise and a collective effort from the public and private sector is required. Green hydrogen is an essential part of the solution.
Please join us. Please lead together with us in the green hydrogen age!
Register at
For registered participants only: please use the links below to book networking side meetings during the assembly.
Room Booking
Please book private meeting rooms at the desk in Foyer 2.
A number of hotel rooms are available at a preferential rate for delegates using the booking links below. There are many other hotels with availability in the vicinity of the Barcelona International Convention Centre. Search here.
Hotel Barcelona Princess: Booking link
Monument Hotel: Please contact Daniel and quote GH2
Majestic Hotel: Please contact Meri and quote GH2