Developing Green Hydrogen Standards and Certification in India
The Green Hydrogen Organisation India (GH2 India), Global Wind Energy Council India, International Solar Alliance (ISA) and the Indian Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) are bringing together government, industry, and civil society leaders to discuss how to accelerate the development of green hydrogen standards and certification in India.
Clear standards and trusted certification schemes will play a crucial role in meeting India’s ambitious targets for green hydrogen production, consumption, and export. But we need a robust and cost-effective approach to ensuring green hydrogen is really green.
This webinar brings together leading experts in India and abroad, with a focus on identifying concrete steps that can be taken to align policy and project development with global best practice.
Date: 1st March 2023
Time: 10am-11:30am CET / 2:30pm-4pm IST
- Moderator: Nishaanth Balashanmugam
- Jonas Moberg, CEO, GH2
- K R Jyothilal, Additional Chief Secretary, Power, Government of Kerala
- Mridula Bharadwaj, Capacity Building Specialist, ISA
- Pawan Mulukutla, Director, Hydrogen, WRI India
- Tushar Goyal, Head Regulatory Affairs and Policy, ACME India
- Samuel Bartlett, Director of the Green Hydrogen Standard, GH2
The Indian Government has established ambitious plans for green hydrogen production, consumption and export that are receiving global attention and recognition. The National Hydrogen Mission aims to reduce India’s dependence on fossil fuels and scale up renewable energy capacity to 500 GW. The goal is to produce green hydrogen at < $1.5 per kg and produce five million tonnes per annum by 2030.
A key challenge is the definition of "green hydrogen". Globally, the discussion around standards and certification is fractured. Terms like “low carbon hydrogen” and “clean hydrogen” are often misleading. Even within the green hydrogen industry, policies and projects have different approaches to defining “renewable energy”, the boundaries of the greenhouse gas accounting system, the emission thresholds at which hydrogen is considered green, and whether other human rights and sustainability criteria should apply.
The green hydrogen industry needs clarity and consistency in order to plan for the long term, including to secure offtake agreements, financing (equity, debt, insurance, and investment guarantees), and to obtain government and community approval. Clear standards support policy and project development, lower costs for producers and consumers, and help build support and confidence in the market for green hydrogen. (“Green Hydrogen: From Additionality to Sustainability”)
The webinar will:
Review the opportunities and challenges associated with establishing green hydrogen standards and certification in India.
Identify the priorities for further efforts that will ensure that the Indian approach is aligned with global best practice.
Enable a national gathering of key stakeholders in India.
Ensure that the rapid development of green hydrogen in India is fully understood within the industry community.
Introduce the Green Hydrogen Standard to Indian stakeholders.