The Green Hydrogen Legal Capacity Unit (GH2L)

Supporting developing countries to host large-scale renewable energy and green hydrogen projects and infrastructure

The Green Hydrogen Legal Capacity Unit (GH2L) provides developing country governments with opportunities to access high quality legal advice and assistance in laying the foundations for hosting large-scale renewable energy and green hydrogen projects and infrastructure. 

Many developing countries have exceptional renewable energy resources and huge potential to reap economic and development opportunities from the development of large-scale renewable energy and green hydrogen projects. While other sectors have long-established customs and practices around permitting, contracting, and approaches to benefit-sharing, the full picture for arrangements to underpin development of large-scale 

renewables and green hydrogen projects is still at a nascent stage. In addition to the challenges posed by dealing with a new segment of industrial development, least developing and emerging market country governments often require more capacity to move quickly towards establishing best practice legislation and to negotiating with project developers. 

GH2L aims to accelerate and simplify access to legal assistance of the highest professional quality and  standards. With readily available legal counsel, host governments can move quickly to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by large-scale renewable energy and green hydrogen projects, based on solid legal frameworks and regulatory environments. 

GH2L builds on the programme on “Good Hydrogen Legislation and Contracting – for people and planet” and intends to establish a dedicated fund to pool contributions from GH2’s members, bilateral donors and philanthropic sources. In response to requests from host governments, GH2L will facilitate free or highly concessional fees for rapid legal assistance in respect of developing legislative frameworks, regulatory settings and, the negotiation of contracts with project developers and providers of finance for these large-scale projects and associated infrastructure. 

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