Planning for Climate Coalition
Fast and fair planning and permitting for renewables and green hydrogen
The Planning for Climate Coalition was launched at the COP27 UN Climate Conference in Egypt in November 2022 to raise awareness of the need for improved planning and approval processes for renewable energy projects and the green hydrogen economy.
The Coalition is a joint initiative by the members of the Global Renewables Alliance (Green Hydrogen Organisation, Global Wind Energy Council, Global Solar Council, International Geothermal Association, International Hydropower Association and Long Duration Energy Storage Council.)
The Coalition is made up of leaders representing governments, the private sector and civil society. It includes leading global institutions with mandates to promote renewable energy and experts on energy law and regulation.
With support from an Expert Advisory Group, a set of challenges and draft recommendations to improve the planning and permitting procedures for renewable energy initiatives has been put forward for consideration. The final recommendations will be launched at the UN General Assembly in September 2023 and presented at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates in late 2023. The Green Hydrogen Organisation provides secretarial support for the Coalition.
Planning for Climate is a coalition of government, industry and civil society organisations committed to speed up permitting for renewable energy and green hydrogen projects together with citizens and communities.
Climate disaster will not be avoided without significantly more hydropower, solar and wind power, electrolysers, ammonia plants and infrastructure. All of this will require approval by hosting governments and buy-in from communities.
In many countries and jurisdictions, it takes too long to obtain approvals for renewable energy projects, grid connections and infrastructure. Fast and fair permitting of renewable energy and green hydrogen infrastructure is critical to avoiding climate disaster. At the same time, good policy practices and tools are emerging across the world that can be scaled up. The aim of the Planning for Climate Coalition is to share what works well in fast, effective and trust-building permitting.
The Coalition has been established by the founding members of the Global Renewables Alliance to raise awareness for the need for improved planning and approval processes for renewable energy projects and the green hydrogen economy. It will agree a set of recommendations for strengthening planning and approval processes and consider mechanisms, incentives, and awareness-raising to contribute to a high degree of acceptance for renewable energy and green hydrogen infrastructure. The Green Hydrogen Organisation provides secretarial support to the Commission.
Planning for Climate Coalition summary recommendations (.pdf)

The Coalition comprises global leaders, champions and experts with outstanding experience in climate and renewable energy decision and policy making.
Participants of the expert advisory group include: Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, European Commission, Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization, International Solar Alliance, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and World Resources Institute.

Marco Alverà

Elbia Gannoum

Ashok Khosla
Sanjay Kumar

Sabah Mohamed Mashaly

Mads Nipper

Mary Quaney

Shalini Rajneesh

Teresa Ribera

Lisa Sachs

Ignacio Sánchez Galán
Jackson Shaa

Erik Solheim

Hon. Malcolm Turnbull

Lord Adair Turner

Nangula Uaandja

Maarten Wetselaar