Green Hydrogen Organisation to develop Green Energy Standard

4 November 2021
GLASGOW – At a meeting convened by the COP26 UN High Level Champions today, the Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2) launched a collaborative effort with government, industry and civil society to develop the Green Hydrogen Standard.
Malcolm Turnbull, GH2 Chair and Former Australian Prime Minister said: “The Green Hydrogen Organisation is working to dramatically accelerate the uptake of green hydrogen to rapidly phase out fossil fuels in industries like steel, cement, fertilizers, shipping and aviation.
In order to scale up the green hydrogen market, GH2 is today launching the development of the global Green Hydrogen Standard which will provide certainty and transparency to investors and other stakeholders that green hydrogen is exactly that: hydrogen made with renewable electricity which conforms to the highest standards on emissions, ESG and the sustainable development goals.”
Maria Paz de la Cruz, CEO of H2 Chile and member of the GH2 board said: “I wholeheartedly welcome GH2’s development of the Green Hydrogen Standard which will enable countries like Chile to produce and export green hydrogen competitively. It will provide certainty to consumers that want to buy green hydrogen which is derived from renewable electricity together with strong sustainability assurances.”
Dr Andrew Forrest, founder of Fortescue Future Industries and founding member of the GH2 Board said: “Green hydrogen is on an unstoppable march. What we need now is a rigorous accreditation standard so that investors and consumers know they are getting the real deal. I support GH2’s development of this new global standard to ensure green hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources includes stringent specifications for emissions and sustainability.”
Jonas Moberg, GH2’s CEO said: “We will focus exclusively on green hydrogen made from renewable energy, in contrast to disingenuous efforts to rebrand fossil-fuel based blue hydrogen as ‘clean hydrogen’. GH2 will forge the global standard for green hydrogen that encompasses close to zero emissions, adherence to ESG standards, and which maximises the development potential in developing and emerging economies”.
GH2 invites government, industry and civil society to join this effort. A kick-off meeting to further define the standard will take place in Geneva on 1 December 2021.
Contact: Joe Williams +44 77 5757 1170 /
Notes to editors:
The Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2) was launched in September 2021. It is chaired by Former Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull. GH2 is a Swiss non-profit foundation and receives generous support from Fortescue Future Industries whose founder Dr Andrew Forrest serves on GH2’s board. GH2’s team is led by CEO Jonas Moberg.
The GH2 Green Hydrogen Standard comprises three pillars:
- Rigorous accounting of greenhouse gas emissions – guaranteeing close to zero emissions. The GH2 Standard addresses total greenhouse gas emissions, guaranteeing that green hydrogen is based on renewable sources with close to zero emissions. The GH2 Standard is rigorous, yet practical, with carbon accounting procedures and thresholds that can be applied consistently to grid and off grid production.
- Environmental, social and governance performance. The GH2 Standard tracks the overall social, environmental and governance impact of GH2 certified hydrogen.
- The development impact. Green hydrogen development can provide developing countries with zero-carbon energy to support energy sector development, increase energy security and create export opportunities. The GH2 Standard requires that the development impact of any GH2 Standard certified green hydrogen is assessed based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Further information on the GH2 Green Hydrogen Standard is available here.
The kick-off meeting to further define the Green Hydrogen Standard will take place in Geneva on 1 December 2021. For further information, contact Sam Bartlett
GH2’s board members are:
- Dr Youngcho Chi, President & Chief Innovation Officer of Hyundai Motor Group, South Korea
Mr Yun Choi, CEO of Korea Zinc Company, Ltd., South Korea
Ms Maria Paz de la Cruz, CEO of H2 Chile, Chile
Dr Andrew Forrest AO, Founder of Fortescue Future Industries, Chairman of Fortescue Metals Group & the Minderoo Foundation, Australia
Ms Nienke Homan, Regional Minister Groningen, Netherlands
Dr Frannie Léautier, CEO of Southbridge Capital, Rwanda
Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, Former Prime Minister of Australia (Chair)
Lord Adair Turner, Chair of the Energy Transitions Commission and Former Chair of the Financial Services Authority, United Kingdom