
GH2 Country Portal – China

Green hydrogen vision/ 绿氢愿景

Already the world’s largest hydrogen producer, China has the potential to use green hydrogen to help meet its energy security and climate goals by reducing emissions from key industries. With world’s largest renewable power capacity1, the government aims to establish a comprehensive hydrogen industry spanning transportation, energy storage and industrial sectors and "significantly improve" the portion of green hydrogen in China's energy consumption by 2035. (Green Hydrogen Energy Plan, 2022) 

China's production cost of green hydrogen will be competitive with steam methane reforming and coal gasification with carbon capture by 2025 and 2030 respectively - China Hydrogen Alliance 



National Strategy/ 国家战略

In March 2022 the Chinese government published a plan on the development of green hydrogen energy for the period of 2021-2035. The strategy sets out five goals for 2035:  

  1. Build a centralised innovation platform to strengthen research and develop disruptive green hydrogen technologies.
  2. Promote the construction of hydrogen energy infrastructure, production, storage, and transportation. 
  3. Promote the use of hydrogen in transport, energy storage, and heavy industries.
  4. Establish and improve policies on hydrogen infrastructure construction, electricity prices for green hydrogen production.
  5. Establish standards for hydrogen quality, safety, infrastructure, and applications.

Almost all provinces and regions in China have included hydrogen in their development plans, and more than 120 green hydrogen projects are under development.

On June 1, 2022, the government issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy Development", and China plans to initially establish a hydrogen energy supply system based on industrial by-production hydrogen and nearby utilisation of renewable hydrogen production.

In August 2023, the government jointly issued the "Hydrogen Energy Industry Standard System Construction Guide (2023)", which aims to guide the construction of the hydrogen energy industry standard system, clarify the recent key tasks of domestic and international hydrogen energy standardization work, and deploy the core standard development action and international standardization promotion action.

Premier Li Qiang delivers the government work report at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress on March 5, 2024. It said it should "accelerate the development of the hydrogen energy industry." The emphasis is on "vigorously developing a green and low-carbon economy. We will promote green transformation of the industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure, and urban and rural development. We will accelerate the development of a new energy system. Strengthen the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases and delivery channels, promote the development and utilization of distributed energy, improve the acceptance, configuration and regulation capacity of the grid for clean energy, develop new energy storage, and promote the use of green electricity and international mutual recognition."


  1. 建立集中创新平台,加强研究和开发先进的绿氢技术。
  2. 推进氢能产业在生产、储存、运输等环节的基础设施建设。
  3. 推动氢能在交通运输、储能和重工业领域的应用。
  4. 建立健全氢能基础设施建设,绿氢生产电价等政策
  5. 建立氢能质量、安全、基础设施和应用的标准





National Strategy

Capacity and capacity target/ 产能与产能目标

a. The Green Hydrogen Energy Plan set a target of 200,00 tonnes annual production by 2025.
b. The electrolyser capacity target is 80 GW by 2030, according to the state-backed think-tank the China Hydrogen Alliance.

 《氢能产业发展中长期规划(2021-2035年)》中关于绿氢设定了到2025年年产20万吨的目标
 根据中国氢能联盟(China Hydrogen Alliance)的数据,到2030年电解槽产能目标为80 GW。

Impact Targets/ 影响力目标

  • The announced national plan promises 50,000 hydrogen-fuelled vehicles on roads by 2025. 
  • The national plan will enable a carbon dioxide emission reduction of 1 million to 2 million tonnes per year.  
  • From 2024 to 2025, according to the energy conservation and carbon reduction plan, the target is to save about 32 million tons of standard coal and reduce about 84 million tons of carbon dioxide in the steel, oil refining, ammonia and cement industries.


  • 已宣布的规划承诺到2025年氢燃料电池车辆保有量约5万辆。
  • 该计划将使二氧化碳排放量每年减少100万至200万吨。
  • 2024—2025年,根据节能降碳方案,目标为钢铁、炼油、合成氨、水泥行业形成节能量约3200万吨标准煤,减排二氧化碳约8400万吨。


Policy Spotlight/ 政策焦点

In May 2024, The State Council issued the 2024-2025 Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Plan and a series of plans for related industries, focusing on providing guidance for decarbonisation in steel, ammonia, oil refining, cement and transportation applications. Specific goals for 2024-2025 have been proposed, and ten key tasks have been deployed.


Financing/ 融资

According to the statistics of the Hydrogen Energy Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development, in 2023, the number of green hydrogen projects signed, approved and publicized in China has totaled 64, and the total investment of the projects has exceeded 410 billion Yuan (RMB). After all the projects are put into operation, the new green hydrogen production capacity will reach 2.347 million tons/year (green ammonia and green methanol projects are converted by hydrogen equivalent).


Government green hydrogen lead/ 主导政府部门

  1. National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) 
  2. The National Energy Administration
  3. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
  4. Ministry of Ecology and Environment
  5. Ministry of Natural Resources
  6. Standarisation Administration of the PRC
  7. Ministry of Emergency Management
  8. China Hydrogen Alliance


  1. 国家发展和改革委员会
  2. 国家能源局
  3. 工业和信息化部
  4. 生态环境部
  5. 自然资源部
  6. 国家标准化管理委员会
  7. 应急管理部
  8. 中国氢能联盟

Comment/ 评论

China is well-placed to become an early significant producer and user of green hydrogen. 

With its vast production of photovoltaic cells and equipment to produce renewable energy, plans for significant production of electrolysers combined with its desire to reduce the import of oil and gas, makes it likely that China will become a green hydrogen giant.  

