Invitation to GH2’s inaugural workshop on the development of the Green Hydrogen Standard

The Green Hydrogen Organisation invites interested stakeholders to a meeting in Geneva on 1-2 December 2021 to obtain input and to discuss the Green Hydrogen Standard.
On 4 November 2021, at a meeting convened by the COP26 UN High Level Champions, the Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2) launched a collaborative effort a to develop the Green Hydrogen Standard.
“The Green Hydrogen Organisation is working to dramatically accelerate the uptake of green hydrogen to rapidly phase out fossil fuels in industries like steel, cement, fertilizers, shipping and aviation. In order to scale up the green hydrogen market, GH2 is today launching the development of the global Green Hydrogen Standard which will provide certainty and transparency to investors and other stakeholders that green hydrogen is exactly that: hydrogen made with renewable electricity which conforms to the highest standards on emissions, ESG and the sustainable development goals.”
Malcolm Turnbull, GH2 Chair
There has been considerable success in building awareness about the role of green hydrogen in meeting our energy transition and climate change goals.
The outlook for green hydrogen based on renewable energy is fundamentally different to hydrogen based on fossil fuels, the latter requiring expensive and largely unproven carbon capture and storage (CCS) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
GH2 rejects the use of the term ‘clean hydrogen’ to conflate the outlook for green hydrogen based on renewable energy and hydrogen based on expanding the use of fossil-fuels. We are calling on governments, industry, the financial community and civil society organizations to support a global effort to establish a clear standard and accreditation system for green hydrogen.
GH2 will develop and agree the global standard for green hydrogen that encompasses close to zero emissions, adherence to ESG standards, and which maximises the development potential in developing and emerging economies.

The workshop in Geneva will include sessions focused on:
The methods for measuring GHG emissions from green hydrogen.
The priorities for developing ESG standards for green hydrogen projects, including alignment with emerging best practices for renewable energy projects, and the identification of issues of particular relevance to green hydrogen production.
The development opportunities associated with green hydrogen projects in developing and emerging countries, and the steps needed to leverage greater interest and investment from the development community.
Stakeholders are invited to suggest topics for discussion via GH2 Director Sam Bartlett ( by COB 17 November. A draft agenda will be shared with registered participants and on this page on 19 November.
Stakeholders are invited to join the meeting online by filling out the registration form (here).
There is no cost for attending, although GH2 reserves the right to limit registrations to ensure that the meeting is of manageable size and that there is a balance of views from different stakeholders.
For more information, contact GH2 Director Sam Bartlett (